ALS Learning Series

Open Enrollment Matters: Health Insurance Considerations for People Diagnosed with ALS  

Thursday, September 19, 2024, at 12 PM CST


Open Enrollment is the time each year when consumers can sign up or make changes to their health insurance coverage. This presentation will outline why you should care about Open Enrollment, factors to consider when enrolling in a new plan, and the importance of choosing your plan wisely, especially for those diagnosed with ALSWe will touch on commercial health insurance as well as Medicare.

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About the Speaker: Emily Brown

Emily works as the Patient Education Content & Project Manager for Patient Advocate Foundation. In this role, she develops new educational materials including publications, educational webinars, and special projects that help prevent and address the healthcare barriers patients may face. 

 Previously, Emily worked as a clinical case manager at PAF.  She frequently worked on difficult cases helping patients with insurance appeals related to access to novel and experimental treatments. She has extensive experience with Medicare, medical debt crisis, and long-term care issues, and possesses a breadth of knowledge of federal, state, and local assistance programs. 

 Before joining PAF, Emily worked as the Social Services Coordinator at a skilled nursing facility and as a Social Worker in an adult daycare setting. She has a bachelor’s degree in social work from Christopher Newport University in Newport News, Virginia. Emily enjoys traveling with her husband and being a mom to twin girls! 


ALS Learning Series

ALS Learning Series Sponsors

The ALS Learning Series is made possible by a generous donation from the Gilbert and Jacqueline Fern Foundation and our industry partners.

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