FY26 Illinois State Budget

Ask Sen. Ram Villivalam and Rep. Kevin Olickal to Support Illinois State Funding for ALS Care and Research

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a disease that weakens the muscles we use to move, swallow, and breathe. In some cases, it can also cause changes in behavior and thinking. The effects of ALS become more severe over time and eventually lead to death. The symptoms and progression of ALS can vary greatly from person to person, making the disease difficult to diagnose, manage, and treat.

There is no cure for ALS yet, but the pace of research has significantly increased in recent years. Organizations like the Les Turner ALS Foundation and ALS United Greater Chicago are ready to provide help and support to people living with ALS, caregivers, and everyone affected by this devastating disease. These organizations play a vital role in our community by providing essential care, financial assistance, and access to cutting-edge research for people living with ALS and their families.

Why You Should Act

State funding for ALS care and research will provide critical support for those living with ALS in Illinois, ensuring that more people have access to high-quality care and clinical research, no matter where they live.  Use your voice to let Rep. Kevin Olickal (16th District) and Sen. Ram Villivalam (8th District) need to know that ALS is important to you.

With $300,000 in funding from the state of Illinois, Les Turner ALS Foundation and ALS United Greater Chicago will be able to expand critical services, including:

  • Specialized ALS care
  • Online support groups
  • Financial assistance, equipment loans, and assistive technology
  • Groundbreaking ALS research and access to clinical trials

Reaching out to your representatives is simple, and it’s a great way to share why this state funding matters to you. You can use the pre-written message that we’ve provided on the form, or make an even bigger impact by personalizing it with your own story. Just click on "Customize Email" to explain why the Les Turner ALS Foundation and ALS United Greater Chicago are important to you.

Our goal is to gather 50 messages of support from each district — and we need your help to make it happen. Please share this page with your friends, family, and colleagues in your district and encourage them to take action as well.

Together, we can make a difference!

Logos for Les Turner ALS Foundation and ALS United Greater Chicago

Care. Community. Cure.

We provide individualized care, local community support and hope through
scientific research.