Gordon Scully: Racing Towards a Cure for ALS

Alden KennedyFaces of ALS, Uncategorized

Gordon Scully's Porsche Cayman GT

In the fast-paced world of professional racing, few drivers transcend the sport and use their platform for a cause. Gordon Scully, an up-and-coming star in the IMSA Michelin Pilot Challenge, is doing just that. Gordon is not only known for his prowess on the track, where cars reach speeds up to 175 mph, but also for his commitment to raising awareness and funds for ALS research—a disease that claimed his father Richard’s life back in 2011.

Join us, Gordon, and our Young ProfessionALS group at Mother Hubbard’s Sports Pub for a NASCAR in Chicago watch party on Saturday, July 6, kicking off at 4:00 PM. He’ll be adding a professional driver’s insights to the race happening downtown. Your ticket includes an open bar and food buffet. Come on out!

Gordon’s journey into racing was heavily influenced by his father, a former racer himself. “My dad raced Formula Fords, and though he stopped, his love for motorsports was still there,” Scully recalls. He grew up immersed in the racing world, attending races at Elkhart Lake Speedway and dabbling in go-karts from a young age. It wasn’t just a passion but a legacy he chose to carry forward. His entry into professional racing was guided by family friend and driver coach Ryan Lewis, marking the beginning of what Gordon calls a dream turned reality.

Racing, for Gordon, is morGordon Scully in his racing garagee than just a sport. It’s a nuanced mental game that requires a calculated, logical approach—traits he attributes to his father. “He was very level-headed, and that wore off on me,” Gordon notes. This mindset proves beneficial, not only on the racetrack but also in the strategic decisions needed off the track, especially when navigating the politics of racing and sponsorships.

Gordon’s real turning point in advocacy came after his father’s passing. Gordon realized that merely placing a logo on his car wasn’t enough. “It’s been great, but if you put a logo on the car and that’s the end of it, it’s not very helpful,” he states. His efforts go beyond the racetrack; from engaging with media personalities like Norm Winer, former program director at WXRT radio, who has a personal connection to ALS, to having heartfelt conversations with fans and fellow racers affected by the disease. Each interaction reinforces the importance of his mission.

Balancing the intense demands of professional racing with charitable efforts is no small feat. Yet, Gordon finds a way. “Racing is hugely demanding, both on and off the track,” he explains. Despite the physical and mental toll, Gordon is driven by a deeper purpose—supporting ALS research. This passion ensures he always finds time for his advocacy work, integrating it seamlessly with his racing career.

Looking ahead, Gordon’s goals are twofold. Professionally, he aspires to compete in iconic races like the WeatherTech series and events at Le Mans or Daytona. On the advocacy front, he is determined to use his growing visibility to amplify the fight against ALS. “The more that I can do driving-wise, the more I can use the platform to promote research and care for ALS,” he asserts.

For those looking to make a difference, Gordon offers straightforward advice: “If you see an opportunity, if you see a need that meets your goals and what you want to do, something that you care deeply about, you gotta go for it, otherwise you’ll look back and regret that you never tried.” It’s a philosophy that has guided him through his racing career and his advocacy work, reminding us that passion, when paired with purpose, can make a profound impact.

By intertwining his racing career with his commitment to ALS awareness, Gordon isn’t just chasing checkered flags, he’s racing towards a future where ALS can be defeated. His journey underscores a powerful message: in the race against time, every moment and every effort counts towards crossing the ultimate finish line—a world free from this devastating disease. Join us and Gordon at the NASCAR in Chicago watch party by getting your tickets at the link below: