Vereran Ed Regester at the 2023 ALS Walk for Life

$40M for ALS in FY25: A Hard-Earned Victory

Mark HeidenAdvocacy, Foundation Blog, Home Page

We are grateful to share that ALS has been recommended by House and Senate Defense Appropriations leadership for $40 Million for Fiscal Year 2025 through the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs at the Department of Defense. U.S. military veterans are twice as likely to develop ALS compared to non-veterans. It’s unclear what about military service might trigger the development of ALS. This crucial funding will support groundbreaking ALS research, ensure that promising discoveries move from the lab to clinical trials. This victory comes after a tough year for medical research, with many programs facing major budget cuts, making every dollar awarded even more important.

The ALS Research Program funds projects focusing on clinical trials, improving care strategies, and developing new therapeutics for ALS. These include awards for biomarker-driven interventions, clinical outcomes, therapeutic development, and innovative, high-risk ideas for ALS treatments.

Thank you to the Members of Congress who fought to preserve ALS funding and the Department of Defense for supporting this research. We stand with those who lost funding this year and remain committed to supporting biomedical research.

This accomplishment is a testament to the unwavering dedication of our community—we must keep the momentum to protect funding for ALS and raise more funds to support the Les Turner ALS Center at Northwestern Medicine.

Please join us in becoming an advocate for ALS or make a donation today.

Above: U.S. Navy veteran Ed Regester at the 2023 ALS Walk for Life. Ed passed away from ALS in 2024.