Racing for Awareness

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Since Derek Hogg was diagnosed with ALS in 2013, he has become a staple at the Les Turner ALS Foundation’s Strike Out ALS 5k. Whether running, using his son’s stroller for support or peddling a special recumbent bike, Derek defines …

Personalize Your Care Act

lesturnerAdvocacy, Home Page, Support Services

Take action and urge your Representative to support the Personalize Your Care Act (PYCA)! This act was introduced by Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) and Rep. Phil Roe (R-TN) in the US House of Representatives to increase accessibility to and public awareness …

670 The Score Values: Les Turner ALS Foundation

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Executive Director, Andrea Pauls Backman joined Kevin on 670 The Score during the segment Score Values to discuss the Les Turner ALS Foundation’s upcoming events.  Listen to the entire interview to learn more about the Foundation and events to get …