Crunch Time Fundraising On-The-Go
With only ten days left till the Les Turner ALS Walk for Life, the countdown starts now for a final push for fundraising. Luckily, there are many ways to quickly spread the word and take your team over the top. This Walker Wednesday will share some quick and easy tips to reach your fundraising target or chase a last-minute stretch goal.
We are so excited to see everyone on Walk day! We thank everyone for your hard work with fundraising and spreading the word. Let’s get to it!
Walker Spotlight: Ken Hoffman
Ken has been proudly walking in the Les Turner ALS Walk for Life since its second year. In 2003, Ken lost his mother, Harriet, to ALS . Now his team, Thumbs Up for Harriet, walks for her and everyone living with ALS. Ken is grateful for the support he’s received from his friends and family in his fundraising. He also boosts his fundraising through his workplace’s matching gifts program. “More recently, social media has played a significant role in spreading the word on the walk and attracting new donors.,” he says. |
Facebook Fundraisers
Social Media Toolkit
Social media is a fantastic way to spread the word about your team in the Les Turner ALS Walk for Life.
We built this collection of graphics for you to boost your fundraising and share why you walk.
The link below includes many customizable graphics for you to post on social media and instructions on how to post them.
Employee Matching

Want to increase your Walk fundraising with ease? Many employers will match a portion of the money their employees raise for charity.
Our website has a tool to help you check if your workplace participates. It only takes a moment to check.
Just like that, our August matching challenge is complete! The funds were matched in record time! All donations made between August 7-13 at 10:00 a.m. were matched by the Haarlow Family Charitable Foundation, up to $2,000 per team.
Our thanks and appreciation to the Haarlow Family Charitable Foundation, along with everyone who donated!
Reserve Your Accessible Parking Spot
We will be blocking off accessible parking spaces in the Waldron garage for people with ALS. Please let me know if you would like to reserve one or more of these spaces by September 7th.
Email Riley Kelly to reserve your spot.