The ALS Walk for Life is here! The ALS community is coming together this Saturday, Sept. 23 at Soldier Field in Chicago. If you and your family have been affected by this terrible disease, there’s nothing like the experience of …
Faces of ALS: The Tejeda Family’s Journey / El Camino de la Familia Tejeda
At the age of 54, Martin Tejeda found himself in uncharted territory for the second time. Originally from Atlixco in the state of Puebla, Mexico, he immigrated to Chicago at 19, and over the decades that followed, his family has …
September 2023 Foundation eNews
Meet the Kravitz Krew: Two Decades of Walkin’ Gary Kravitz is the driving force behind the Kravitz Krew, a team dedicated to making a difference in the fight against ALS. With an impressive 20 years of participation, Gary’s passion is …
August 2023 Foundation eNews
Team George’s Generals: Join us at the ALS Walk for Life Team George’s Generals is lining up on Saturday, Sept. 23 for the ALS Walk for Life. Alyssa Poniatowski leads this team in honor of her late father George, who …
‘New’ ALS gene destabilizes neuron’s structure and chokes off its nucleus
As many as 2% of all ALS cases have been linked to mutations in the gene NEK1, making it one of the top-known causes of the disease. But it wasn’t known how the mutated gene disrupts the function of the …
August 2023 Foundation eNews
Marching On: Remembering Richie at the ALS Walk for Life In memory of his beloved father Richie, Matthew D’Ambrosia and Team Richie have been involved in the ALS Walk for Life for over a decade. After Richie’s diagnosis in 2013, …
Faces of ALS: Anne Lidsky, a legacy of resilience and love
More than 50 years later, Anne Lidsky vividly remembers preparing mixed chicken broth and other homemade concoctions for her mother’s feeding tube. She was a teenager when her mother was diagnosed with ALS, and with her father also unwell, Anne …
July 2023 Foundation eNews
Team Run for Her Life is Suiting up for the ALS Walk for Life Join Julianne Oliver and her team, “Run for Her Life,” in their second ALS Walk for Life. Her mother, Leslie Bartosz, was diagnosed with ALS during the …
Faces of ALS: Julie Stowell, from the heart
She’s one of the people you see at the finish line of the ALS Walk for Life, wearing a sparkly silver-and-blue tutu as she cheers on the finishers. But watch Julie Stowell for a minute and you’ll see her slip …
July 2023 Foundation eNews
Future ALS Walk for Life Captains in the Making Our ALS Walk for Life team captains play a vital role in the event’s success. They tirelessly recruit teammates and raise funds through various channels, including emails, phone calls, and social …