For over 30 years, Cheryl Gallagher traveled the world as a flight attendant for United Airlines. From India to New Zealand, and Cambodia to Vietnam, she reveled in the opportunity to explore new places, take in fresh perspectives and immerse …
Faces of ALS: Working to Make True on a Wish
When Jonathan Brent, MD, PhD, asks his ALS patients what their goals are, the answer is almost always the same: to find a cure for ALS. “What motivates me,” says Dr. Brent, “is how I can make true on that …
Faces of ALS: Hope & Action in the ALS Community
“There is more hope and more action happening right now within the ALS community than I ever thought I would see in my lifetime,” says Deb Paust of Grayslake, Illinois. “It is empowering to be a part of that change.” …
Faces of ALS: Passion, Unabated
For Diane Pospeshil and her family, music and the arts are a lifeline and part of their collective DNA. Beginning with a small dance studio they ran from the basement of their home in Buffalo Grove, Illinois, the family business …
Faces of ALS: My Story of Service
ALS is called a rare disease. But for reasons not yet known, veterans are twice as likely to be diagnosed with ALS compared to the general public. Last week, we as a nation honored our brave veterans for their sacrifice …
Faces of ALS: Running On Kindness and Generosity
“My grandma was one of the most influential people in my life, for so many reasons,” shared Taylor Davis, a member of our Team Race for ALS. “She taught me the importance of being kind and generous to others. During …
Faces of ALS: A Family Affair
Like most events at the Gardner home in the western suburbs of Chicago it was a family affair. With the face masks in-place and appropriate social distancing, the Gardner family met us outside for what we’re lovingly calling a “front …
Faces of ALS: Letting the Love In
The first night they met, John and Meg Rooney won second place in a dance contest. What followed was a 27-year marriage, three sons and a long-term dedication to our Les Turner ALS family. For many of you, the Rooney …
Faces of ALS: The Embodiment of Hope and Help
As we near the end of ALS Awareness Month, facts and statistics about ALS can be found around every corner. The lifetime risk of developing ALS is just 1 in 300. The estimated annual cost of care is $250,000. These figures illustrate …
Faces of ALS: Honoring a Quarter Century with the Les Turner ALS Foundation
After nearly 25 years with the Les Turner ALS Foundation as Manager of Community Education, ALS Support Services Coordinator and Support Group Facilitator, and decades of nursing experience before joining us, Ileane Mindel, RN, is retiring. Ileane joined us as …